Hey there, And welcome to our blog – What is crawling and what is web crawler. In this blog, we are going to give you complete information about crawling and crawler. Like – what is a crawler, How it works, And how crawler is friendly/useful for us. Many of you may familiar with crawling and crawler or heard about it.
And if you don’t know then no need to worry, This blog will help you to know more about crawling and crawlers and for clearing the differences. And if you do like this blog then do comment or give some feedback to this blog below in the comment box.
It will help us to make this blog easier to understand for peoples like you. So now let’s get rid of all into stuff, And start the blog :).
What you are going to learn in this blog (content)
- What is crawling
- What is web crawler
- How it works
- And more
What is crawling
Crawling Is A Process In Which Search Engines Sends Their Bots/crawlers To A Particular Website, By the Request of the website owner, or from links on a website. To Fallow The Links That Are Present On The Website. Crawlers (Bots That Crawl A Particular) Takes All The Links, And Information From That Website And Stores It In Search Engin Servers.
The collected information, about the website or website blog, will help search engines to know about the website or website blog properly. And the proper understanding, by search engines, will totally help you with a better ranking of your desired topic/keyword or the topic/keyword that you have written on your website or website blog.
So always check your Topic/keywords that are on your website or website blog is correct or not. Because if there any mistake in the whole topic than google or any search engine is not going to give you your desired rank on their search result pages due to some mistakes, Therefor always take a look at your website blog while publishing it.
This takes a few minutes and saves your total hard work. Mainly this kind of mistake are done by new website owners, writers/bloggers, and others if you are one of them then try to make your blog or website free of mistakes or not then skip this paragraph this is not for you because you know about it.
Some Popular Crawlers Are Google Bots, Bing Bots, Yandex Bots, And More. We Can Modify A Crawler, Like What Page Should It Crawl, What Link It Should It Fallow And More Types Of Modification We Can Make For The Crawler By Just Using Robot.txt Commands.
Robot.txt Commands Help In The Modification Of A Crawler. We Are Not Going To Discuss The Robot.txt Now But We Should In Some Other Blogs (For The Simplicity And For A Better Understanding We Are Not Discussing Robot.txt).
Some Popular Meta Tags For Crawling Are :
<meta content=’noindex‘ name=’googlebot‘/> (Not Indexing Only For Google)
<meta content=’noindex‘ name=’googlebot-news‘/> (Not Indexing Only For Google News)
<meta content=’index‘ name=’googlebot‘/> (Indexing Only For Google )
You Can Also Search For Many Crawling Meta Tags On the Internet.
What is web crawler
A web crawler is a bot, which is designed by some lines of programming code. A web crawler is very useful for SEO or we can also say that it is the first stage of SEO, in which data or information about a website or webpage is collected and stored in big servers of search engines like – Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, DuckDuckGo and more.
Mainly Crawler is used for fetching information from a webpage or website. So without crawlers, no one can proceed for indexing and ranking, Because indexing and ranking are after crawling, and crawling is only done by crawlers, So that’s why crawlers are important.
Crawlers are very useful for crawling a webpage or website properly.
Crawlers are specially designed for crawling webpages or websites only but some hackers/crackers are also using similar kinds of bots for fetching information from a server. Both are used for a different purpose but are designed in a similar way (for fetching information).
Mainly crawlers are used for SEO purposes, And it can also increase your rank.
Crawlers are controlled by robots.txt files or by robots meta tags.
Via using some robots.txt files or robots meta tags you can tell bots/crawlers what to crawl and what to not.
meta tag
<meta content=’index‘ name=’googlebot‘/> (Indexing Only For Google )
How it works
Bots or crawlers are computer programs, means designed by some line of programming codes. Which is used for fetching data or information from a website and stores it in big search engines servers?
Search Engines design their bots or crawlers differently by using their vast servers, at their data centers.
like google, It is very popular and used by many peoples around the globe, Hence It is necessary to have a large data center to store the data of different users.
And also needed to have fast crawlers to fetch data in a few minutes or less than a minute.
This is the area where data is stored. And all crawlers come to this data center after collecting information or data about a particular website or webpage.
Also, data is analyzed here at the data center of search engines.
What is crawling?
Crawling is the process of fetching information from a webpage.
What is Crawler?
It is a computer-based program. We also call it bot.
Is it useful or not?
yes it is useful
Crawlers can be modified or not?
yes, they can be modified by using robots.txt or robots meta tags.
What is robots.txt?
some lines of code that are used for crawler’s modification.
In this blog, you learned What is the work of a crawler and what is crawling, And how we can modify it.