TranscribeMe Exam: 10 Tips You Should Know to Pass the TranscribeMe Test in 2022

TranscribeMe Exam: 10 Tips You Should Know to Pass the TranscribeMe Test in 2022
TranscribeMe Exam

Hi everybody, welcomes to my next tutorial. in this tutorial, I’m going to talk about how to pass the transcribeme exam. I’m going to give you 10 different tips on how to pass the exam. So what I have done to help you even further is compile a list of 10 things that I know you need to know for the exam.

Some of these are little bits of information that you’ll need to answer the multiple-choice sections. so I’m going to give you some of the most important things to know from the style guide that will be on the test and also give you some tips for what you need to know when you’re transcribing the audio sections of the exam. So let’s get started okay.

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Tip 1:  Don’t Use Speaker Labels

unlike most other transcribing platforms you don’t need to label each speaker. when you are doing the audio transcription tests simply press ENTER once on your keyboard to start typing on a new line, to indicate a new speaker or a change of speaker. so you don’t need to put any dashes or anything to indicate a speaker change you just need to write on a new line. so again following tip one, it’s a new speaker new line so here’s a little example.

TranscribeMe Exam - Tip 1:  Don't Use Speaker Labels
Tip 1:  Don’t Use Speaker Labels

This was from mine audio L, so obviously you’ll press play when you’re doing the test and listen to the audio and then you’re gonna start and his name. For example, “his name is Carl, How do you know Carl he is a friend of mine”. So if I’m doing this that means we have speaker 1 then speaker 2 and then speaker 1 again. So every time there’s a new speaker or a change of speaker you’re just going to write on a new line. you don’t have to press ENTER twice just press ENTER once to go to a new line.

Tip 2: Always Begin Bith A Lowercase Letter 

So you’re going to start each job with a lowercase letter unless the word is a proper noun. Because most of these transcription tasks are smart small chunks that are part of one long text. So you cannot assume that it is the beginning of a new sentence and start with a capital letter. 

And if you aren’t a grammar expert and you don’t know what a proper noun is. A proper noun is specific is not a generic name for a particular person place or thing. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence. 

So common nouns would be a girl, a city, a day and as you can see these are all obviously lowercase letters and proper nouns Laura, London, Wednesday, So the first sentence that you’re listening to is a common noun like girl city or day, for example, you’ll start with a lowercase letter but if it’s a proper noun like the name of a person or a city or a day or anything that you would have to capitalize then you would capitalize it. 

So, for example, his name is Carl, I would start that with a lowercase, not a capital because I don’t know what’s coming before this little chunk that I have so that’s what you would do.

Tip 3: Don’t End The File With Punctuation 

Don’t end the file with punctuation, except for the closing bracket of a tag. In the event, you had to use a tag even if you are sure it is the end of a sentence. Again because we are transcribing small chunks of a larger file. 

We cannot assume the end of a sentence so here imagine this was my little transcription task “Joe and Carl came to my wedding” next speaker “what did they wear” next speaker “Joe wore a suit and Carl Ward jeans” say this is the end and there’s nothing more. I’m transcribing I can’t end this in a period I just have to leave it ok.

Tip 4: Don’t Transcribe Crutch ords 

TranscribeMe Exam - Tip 4: Don't Transcribe Crutch ords
Tip 4: Don’t Transcribe Crutch ords

Maybe you’re wondering, What does a crutch word, What is a crutch word, So this is from the transcribed meat style guide. A crutch word or phrase is an utterance that a speaker consistently uses that does not add meaning to what is being said they are usually used. 

When a speaker is searching for thought and deciding how to properly express what he or she is trying to say, So some of these words like you know, right kind, of the sort. So we will always remove like and you know and words like this only when they do not add meaning to the sentence. 

So this is their example so you know if the speaker likes talks like this etc we would remove these and that way it would sound much cleaner. So if the speaker talks like this then please remove the crutch words to make it readable ok. That’s very important to remember as well when you’re doing the transcribing.

Tip 5: Know Your Tags 

Now, this is important because this will be on the multiple-choice test or exam. When I was transcribing my pieces of audio, I understood everything that was said. So I didn’t need to use any of the tags like inaudible, but this is information you need to know for the multiple-choice part of the exam. Also, pay attention to the type of bracket used and how and when we use them okay. 

So inaudible now, I want you to look at the type of bracket and so it’s not one of the round ones and also note that it begins with a lowercase letter. This tag takes the place of one or more words that you cannot make out due to a difficult accent, poor audio quality, a noise like an office, curing the words, or a word that you couldn’t decipher after thorough research.

So example inaudible is the best inaudible I’ve ever heard of. So if you can’t understand what they’re saying because of any of these things then you will do a tag like this 

TranscribeMe Exam - Tip 5: Know Your Tags
Tip 5: Know Your Tags

and again even though this is the beginning of a sentence it will always have a lowercase letter the I in inaudible okay crosstalk the crosstalk tag functions the same way as the inaudible tag in that it stands in for words that you are not able to decipher the difference is the reason for not being able to understand the words this tag I have two is here ignore that is not used to represent where a speaker interjected over another.

It is only used to stand in for a speaker’s words that you cannot understand due to another primary speaker talking over them. So for example “did you get the Pacers, aunt papers and crosstalk” we would put crosstalk when the reason we can’t understand what they’re saying is because someone is speaking over them or interjecting them so that’s when we’re gonna use crosstalk yeah crosstalk.

The paper is definitely okay foreign if one or more speakers are conversing in a foreign language, please represent the dialogue with the foreign tech. If however, they are speaking English and throw in a foreign word or phrase that you can find with an internet search transcribe what they say. So I know some companies like Reve they don’t want you to ever transcribe anything in a foreign language even at one time I remember getting penalized for transcribing some Spanish words but even though they were like something like plátano which is banana but here they want you to if only if it’s an easy one and you can find it with an internet search quickly.

So for example “so he turns to me and goes mi casa es su casa as we say back home como estas because mi casa es su casa is like” you know easy enough to find a lot of people say it in English you can put that in there in Spanish and also use the accents now if you can’t find the term after searching then you can use the foreign tag instead of inaudible. “So he told me he wanted a foreign I was like I’m sorry I don’t have one” so for example say “he said some food word and you didn’t you couldn’t find it and you didn’t know the spelling you would just put foreign ok.

Now we have the guest tag if you’re not sure what the words are but you are able to make a reasonable guess that would fit the context of the file then put your guests into brackets followed by a question mark. So you would put your guests here and then a question mark unlike the other tags listed in this section you are expected to modify the guest tag to reflect your guests. 

The text within the tag can comprise a single word or it may be a short phrase. Now note that these both these words are in the same brackets you wouldn’t put a bracket like and then a bracket this you just put it like inside the same bracket with the question mark inside the bracket as well ok.

So here’s an example of what you would not do and this is an example of what you would do also note that if you can’t figure out if a speaker is saying one thing or another you cannot put two guesses within the same take pick what is most appropriate based on the context of the file so he gave away three free kittens don’t put both just put one he gave away three kittens or he gave away free kittens okay.

Tip 6: Transcribe Using Proper Spelling 

from the transcribeme style guide informal pronunciations informal words should be transcribed using their proper spelling not based on pronunciation so if someone says gonna or gotta or wanna don’t spell it like this again this is important because other transcribing platforms want you to do the informal way but transcribeme does not they want you to write going to got to want to etc.

Tip 7: Spelling Guidelines

Spelling guidelines again this is important to know because every single transcribing website has different rules about this for the sake of consistency. We adhere to these specific spelling rules, So a lot like this US or USA, not US or USA with the dots there email like this Internet like this okay. so just to have this in your mind when you are transcribing if you hear any of these words you’re going to write them like this.

TranscribeMe Exam - Tip 7: Spelling Guidelines
Tip 7: Spelling Guidelines

Tip 8: Removing Feedback Words

So at transcribeme, We consider feedback words to be anything that someone says while another person is talking. When the sole purpose of these words is to let the speaker know they are still listening or to passively acknowledge. What they’re saying so for example if you’re on the phone with your friend and they’re telling you a story and you’re responding with uh-huh right mm-hmm but you’re not actually saying anything that’s contributing to the conversation those are just feedback words.

So common feedback words include but are not limited to phrases such as right, okay, got it, yeah, great etc. So do not interrupt the main speaker speech like this “so I went all the way to the mall right and I found a new job okay great I’m working at one of the kiosks”. So you take these out but if it was here you could go okay, great, yeah, and which kiosk did you pick, so we’re going to remove such utterances unless they lead immediately into further speech by the speaker. 

Who said the feedback word so for example here and working at one of the kiosks okay, great, yeah and which kiosks did you pick, because the speaker is continuing to say something else afterwards we can include those. So to recap feedback words can be removed when they sit on a line by themselves ie it doesn’t lead into other speech they don’t answer a direct question isn’t acknowledged by anyone commenting on the topic at hand knowing when to transcribe background or side conversations.

Tip 9: Know When to Transcribe Background or Side Conversations

As a general rule, we transcribe the main speakers and their interactions with anyone else. In the file when deciding what to include or exclude from the file note that if the main speakers have no interaction with those speaking in the background does not need to be transcribed. however, if the main speakers interact with or somehow acknowledge the other speakers, they become relevant to the transcript and must be included okay.

So let’s say you’re having you’re transcribing the conversation between a man and a woman at dinner and that the man and the woman are discussing and they’re talking back and forth and you hear maybe in the background, you hear a waitress asking someone else can I take your order you don’t need to put that in the transcription, because that has no relevance to what you are transcribing now if the waitress asked the speakers can I take your order that and she was talking to them and they answered her then you would transcribe it okay.

Tip 10: Watch Your Numbers

Watch your numbers so the general numbers rule we spell out numbers zero to nine. So we spell melt like this 0 1 2 3 2 all the way to 9, We use numerals to represent new numbers 10 or above however, certain types of numbers cause exceptions to this rule each category listed here is explained in more detail below. So we always spell out fractions and inexact numbers and always numerals for decimals money percents addresses time dates phone and serial numbers biblical references mathematical equations.

Now, we also have some exceptions for consistency where multiple numbers occur within a sentence or paragraph maintain consistency in the immediate context. So for example “he had 15 ties but only two socks” now, if this said he had two socks we would spell 2t wo but because we have he had 15 and this number is more than 10 then we can put the numeral the numerical value a 1 5 and then this one to make it consistent.

We also put the numerical value of just 2, because both of these are in the same category articles of clothing now if it’s a different category. So look after 5 days it was only 15 percent complete. Even though these are 2 numbers this number is referring to days and this number is a percentage referring to something else that’s not days okay. So here you can have one written out and one not written out okay so that’s all of my tips for the exam.


I think these are the most important things you need to know. I think if you’ve readed to this blog and listen to all the tips really carefully that you have a really good chance of passing this exam there might be a bit more information you need to know and all of that will be in the style guide that you’ve been sent when you’ve applied to transcribeme there’s a really long style guide but this is the most important stuff that you need to know to pass the exam.

So thank you very much for reading my blog, Feel free to click share or comment to my blog, if you want more blogs on how to make money online and tips and honest reviews on each of these money-making platforms then just let me know. Thanks for reading.

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